Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Kidney Infection Leave Work

wymianek-relationship with my "creations"

Hello :-) Today on quickly, because I have a lot of creative work and less pleasant ;-) It shows my reply in two wymiankach, in an earlier post was what I got. The girls have also have (and like it!) So I show the whole world:

kitek Soft on wymiankÄ™ drawer "cat." He lives in a Lidka and reportedly soaked on the windowsill and the photo ;-) cykane to fast .. I'll add that it was inspired by the "live" example!

In various fields of the title made floral (floral wymianka!). Decoupage frame is, whether this tag-tab, if you will ... and the hairpin and fluffy flower to use as you wish. I would add that the TAG is my first attempt scrapowania and it is not perfect, but I'm learning from the best-loved scraperki from you :-)

Yours sunny and I'm running to work ..


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