Monday, May 23, 2011

Firewire 800 To Ethernet

beetles are not only in the forest. Referring to the previous entry of insects - pests of trees, adds a few species that are sure to know the closer or further surroundings. With a special dedication to MinimaLenki;)

Monitornik żółtokarteczkowiec
Kawopijca papierosowiaczek
Kabloplątek listwownik
tattler futrynnik
Klawiaturnik jędnorękowiaczek
Telefonnik secretive
Linijkowiec ekierkowiaczek
Czatowiec pogodzinnik
Poniedzielnik sloth
Okrusznik podbiurkowiec
Zupojadek brudzikubek

... and many others who are just waiting to discover and describe. Happy Monday!


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