Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Kendall Mint Cke Calories

Distinction and miscellaneous ...

Gallery received the first award, and we appreciated the Anne of blog ANIBYLECO . And on the evidence of her comments in my previous post! Thank you very much-it is a binding and motivation to continue working :-)

I guess I should give a further distinction, so to convey for

Alice because he is creative, full of life with color and everything enabled blog blogger-thanks for your nice comments :-)

Marysieńce aka Joan - as a mother is the time between responsibilities for the creation of fresh rabbits, pigs and all the colorful world :-)

Marta deco-style passion for "aging" and the whole of his precision work

Gosia ie MamaKini for beautiful mature Tilda and Królisia Sophie, who inspired me, and the effects this event will soon :-)

For now, many people, if anyone thinks that someone should stand out-please write and included in the list are :-) also those who do not want accolades .. But it's so good :-)

A miscellaneous: recently I took a lot of issues on their shoulders: wymianke, candy, also gifts for loved ones, and plans to have motivation to work with it :-) .. So if TU little improvement shows promise as I find time.

And the end of this post dlugasnego napkins show off what got the authority to blog from hand to hand
And of course, remember to CANDY!
Have a nice day ;-)


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