Friday, April 1, 2011

Sms On New Born Babies To Friends

:-) Another Award and wishes ..

And it is not at all an April joke, because the evidence of post- BRYDZI magical house! only that I just now saw the GAPA. This pleases me greatly :-)

this time because of this award a few "secrets" about me:

first Are terribly afraid of spiders
second ;-) In elementary school I invented the "letter" to record confessions, now I forgot almost everything.
third In fact, I do not watch any of the popular serials, but sometimes for example: First love - because sometimes funny, and at all of the films or the like comedies or horror movies-but the vampire ;-)
4th I was a couple of times a model for hairdressing exams (including the 2 times champion) because long hair ..
5th I really like to read, and here too extreme for most J. Chmielewska, or S. King

now wish for my beloved Sisters Martity:

Performance innermost dreams
eventful life
Health "fish"
and wallet is always full ;-)
Buziaczków one thousand
and birthday of the Sun!

A handicraft gift, of course, on Sunday, but bloggers also show you!

Finally, recall again here CANDY. Good luck and best regards :-)


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