Thursday, April 14, 2011

What Women Used For Sanitary Wear In The 1700's

latte caldo!

Italian Alps are associated primarily with skiing. On zjazdówkach not go, but in this mountainous region, we are occasionally in the summer. Despite several trips, ashamed to admit it, still on in Italian we can only "good morning" and "thank you", so we are left with a mix of banter in English, English and universal language of gestures (once rode with us a friend who threw classical Latin - it went really well!).

During the last trip in one day we went to Monte Rosa, we pulled down the best pizza in the area and decided that evening to get to Zermatt, on the other side of the Alps. After a few dozen kilometers, grew sleepy, so we started to look out for a Mac to enjoy coffee.

When I finally saw the coveted logo, all five of us cry issued consistent and bold Damiano driver broke several rules without hesitation, and after a while parked on the land of hamburgers.

Menu coffee was very rich. Finally, Italy is the land of design, artists, pizza and coffee exactly. Eve took a cappuccino, I decided to macchiato. And boys? Sahib, Damiano and Majkello, our grim, unshaven and postawni climbers, a little longer I'll stick with deliberowali over. Finally unanimously elected:

"latte caldo!"

Those who know Italian, I smiled to himself. Shortly before us appeared on a tray, and on it ... three cups of delicious, warm milk!

Are we therefore to learn languages? Probably. Despite this, I love those spontaneous trips, no linguistic preparation. Their great charm is the surprise element.

And besides, you know, real coffee athletes avoid like the plague:)

Fig. Damiano


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