Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Kendall Mint Cke Calories

Distinction and miscellaneous ...

Gallery received the first award, and we appreciated the Anne of blog ANIBYLECO . And on the evidence of her comments in my previous post! Thank you very much-it is a binding and motivation to continue working :-)

I guess I should give a further distinction, so to convey for

Alice because he is creative, full of life with color and everything enabled blog blogger-thanks for your nice comments :-)

Marysieńce aka Joan - as a mother is the time between responsibilities for the creation of fresh rabbits, pigs and all the colorful world :-)

Marta deco-style passion for "aging" and the whole of his precision work

Gosia ie MamaKini for beautiful mature Tilda and Królisia Sophie, who inspired me, and the effects this event will soon :-)

For now, many people, if anyone thinks that someone should stand out-please write and included in the list are :-) also those who do not want accolades .. But it's so good :-)

A miscellaneous: recently I took a lot of issues on their shoulders: wymianke, candy, also gifts for loved ones, and plans to have motivation to work with it :-) .. So if TU little improvement shows promise as I find time.

And the end of this post dlugasnego napkins show off what got the authority to blog from hand to hand
And of course, remember to CANDY!
Have a nice day ;-)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Fetal Weight Percentile Charts

one percent

last three years, the transmission of 1% tax on Public Benefit Organizations became very easy. No need to personally give money - just in the appropriate box and enter the name PIT KRS selected organization. Transfer and arranges all the paperwork for us the Tax Office. I admit that so far the main problem was a Sahib and for me (because we charge together) is the choice of OPP. We wanted to help at least a few, yet in a form you can enter only one organization.

This year, we have no dilemma. Martin, my friend from the times of high school, need help. For you is a stranger, but if you still decide to give her 1% him and his wife - a warm heart and I thank you! I give the voice of Martin:

approaching the time filling the pits, so send your request to transfer 1% of the foundation collecting money on rehabilitation and orthopedic equipment for my wife. As some of you probably already know, in September last year Jola injured as a result of which lost his left arm and the greater part of his right hand.

If you choose to help us pay 1% tax, please provide the foundation:

Foundation for the Disabled, "Sunshine"
( www.fundacja)
KRS number: 0000186434
with additional information (box specific objective):
"Jolanta Sarniak, 237 / S".

look at me, a blogger and invited bloggers to download the stamp appearing next to it. I think the tax deduction is worth to promote in every possible way - us, it's free, and for many organizations and individuals is "to be or not to be." Whether big or small you are paying tax, every penny counts.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

What If Your Cervical Mucus In Chunky

Express appetizer with apple

Because that try to limit the intake of sweets, as I may, on the other hand sometimes I can not help, I'm working on food, which create an illusion of gourmet desserts, without being cake, chocolate, or the bars. Here's one of those spontaneous, ultra-laws - recently very popular with us. Usually we have a sour apple in the house, because we buy them in salads.

1 / 2 sour apples (eg rennet) - Cut
something sweet and smooth - some syrup or honey (with us right now on top concentrated grape juice)
something to sprinkle - ground almonds, coconut, chopped nuts, etc.

And that's all:) Enjoy!

Do you have their patents for sweet snacks?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I'm A Mad Dog Bitting Myself For Sympathy

What are coffee - coffee grain test

Today I invite you to a unique cup of coffee.

Grain Coffee - for many people a taste of childhood. But what is it? With a real coffee has little in common. It is produced from the roasted seeds of cereals - wheat, barley or rye, and even the acorns. It does not contain caffeine, as it is a source of valuable components (fiber, antioxidants and others). It gives a feeling of satiety, while speeds up metabolism. I'm not a nutritionist, so I will not be about more loitering, and refer to relevant articles on the subject. I'll just add that many athletes begin their day with a cup of ersatz coffee (for example, on May Włoszczowska ). It might be worthwhile to recall the taste?

At some point in our house until there are four different types of coffee grain, therefore, immediately proceeded to the test of consumer Sahib. I invite you the chance to taste and share experiences, a pretty twisted person to answer to this question "what are you coffee?" :)

Inka for many years in Poland is synonymous with coffee grain, and therefore from the start. Currently, coffee with this name company produces Biogran from Skawina (I know where it is! I was there once on a bike). In contrast to other tested coffee is instant coffee, flavor is far milder. Instead of the recommended two teaspoons per cup, you can safely pour third After brewing on the surface of soft foam floats. It's like a coffee everyday - not bad every day, convenient to use because they do not have to clean the cup with tea leaves, or use a fancy coffee. Among the coffee crop in less than a place, like a good coffee instant coffee among the ordinary, but somewhat lacking in character. People used to the strong natural coffee may be disappointed. Neutral taste the coffee and its overall solubility and allows the will to experiment with additions such as: cane sugar, honey, milk, cardamom, cinnamon, and even cocoa. Inke can brew up in the hot milk. Most economical package is a cardboard box, whose contents can be yourself at home Transfer the the cans. There is also the more expensive version with magnesium. This coffee, due to its ultrafine granulation, can be used as a dye and flavoring for cakes, Turkish bread, for example.
Ingredients: barley, rye, chicory, beet
Price: 150 g - 3,60 zł (24 zł / kg)
estimate: Sahib ** I ****

After opening Kujawianki (Delecta) draws attention to a bright color of coffee, a yellowish tint (similar to the Inca, barely visible in the picture) and very coarse grain. Attempt figure out it reveals a dry husks and other refuse familiar with wholemeal flour. Feeling weak, even the young corn flavor straight from the spikelets. Aroma after brewing without any revelations, but enjoyable. On the surface floating coffee grounds, which as far as mixing fall. Kujawianka can also brew the espresso. On the plus count among one hundred percent, paper packaging, with no film. And the price - unbeatable! If you want to water the school cafeteria or a scout camp, we should pay attention to her;)
Composition: rye, barley, chicory, beet
Price: 200 g - 2,59 zł (12.95 zł / kg)
estimate: Sahib *** I ***

to Organic Coffee spelled (Babalscy) initially approached with some timidity. Soon it became a hit with us and proved to be worth its high price. Even after opening the bag, you can feel the strong aroma of a well-spent grain, which is fully released during the brewing process. On the surface floating coffee grounds, as in Kujawiance. Granulation is a bit finer. An attempt to figure out the grains to dry immediately shows a strong bitterness and a high degree wyprażenia. In a world of ersatz coffee is the equivalent of a strong Brazilian coffee. You can brew the espresso, as Kujawianka. And here the surprise - the remaining coffee grounds in the espresso machine is not bulky, just stick to the nugget (note the part!). Packaging Eco-style, in fact, is covered with foil from the inside.
Ingredients: Spelt (wheat)
Price: 300 g - 10 zł (33.33 zł / kg)
estimate: Sahib ***** I *****

On Finally curiosity or coffee in the bag. Anatol (Delecta) is a favorite coffee Sahib, ingested by him in wholesale quantities. Yes, but when asked to evaluate only gave 4 stars! As an inquisitive tester, not merely in view baggies, I looked inward. Dark, coarsely ground powder with a slight reddish tint spelled like coffee. The taste and aroma is also strong, and after making a dark color. Bother me but this bag, resulting in a taste of the paper. Another shortcoming is the lack of dosing at the discretion, but a strong plus is the ease of use, the ability to enrich the flavor of milk and additives. Anatol occurs in several varieties of taste, the taste test was the subject of a classic. For reasons I associate Anatoly transient with Russian cigarette without filter;)
Composition: chicory, rye
Price: 84 g (20 sachets) - 2 zł (23.80 zł / kg)
estimate: Sahib **** I * *

PS. Given in the text are indicative prices. The test is private. I am not representative of any of the listed companies and none of them gave me the research material (unfortunately). Choice of cereal on the coffee market is richer, we describe only what was in the house. Photos manufacturers (packaging) and my (scattered).

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sprite Tiles Pokèmon Soul Silver

In search of a second skin ...

... or clothing Ideally

Today looong entry dedicated to women - a bit late for Women's Day, previously announced on or in the closet cleanup :) Spring is coming!

Spring is already proverbial stock orders. Okay, I admit, I looked through my wardrobe a bit earlier, the wave of purges of winter, which included the library, kitchen, bathroom and other szpargały. I do so easily with the wardrobe was not. Do not be afraid, There will be no lists of clothes, boring him, which threw, and what is not, nor do I count how many things (a lot). Highlights a look ahead. So to answer the question: how to buy perfect just the clothes? Such, for which I had always wanted? Which will become a second skin - a comfortable, tailored, worn freely and without hesitation? Główkują over the brightest minds wizażystek and stylists, but I think I can handle myself pretty well for yourself. From the outset anticipate what my approach to clothes. Above all, be practical and comfortable. Pretty and feminine, of course, too, but I'm very far from szafiarki:) Those who know me probably never would have thought that'll make an entry about fashion. My main rule: This garment will be for me, not me for clothes. Only the models on the catwalk to be a hanger, and the eye is guided toward what you have to. Ordinary woman has a different purpose - that she, her personality, a word that says, her gestures are important, clothes are just background.

to the case approached analytically. I started by looking at your favorite clothes (including this very beloved). What makes them different? Why these and not others? Each piece of clothing has number of features which are like most objective and physically measurable. It's not black magic. Features that I have in mind are:

second color
third model Fit
fifth the size of material
6th quality, finish, details

And only the result of these features is purpose, style, character, uniqueness, beauty of clothes, and therefore subjective characteristics. And also his comfort, functionality, whether it us fit and hence - General satisfaction with your purchase.

After pondering deeper theme, I found that favorite clothes are those which, in all six basic aspects meet our requirements. Because why not? The market is a seemingly infinite amount of clothes, so why should not we buy only what meets our personal high standards? I do not recommend you do this, to walk around the shops for hours. Sam can not stand it. But if we define what is good for us, it should be much easier. Some of the hangers in a store once we pass. And so the thing - my case study:

first Colour - my favorite subject on which I can for hours;)

For me hit the color is half the battle, so I paid him the most attention.
Nobody looks good at any color. Certain colors are actually created for us. And the other looked like zombies. For some people it's obvious to other black magic. Look on website and blog Lory Alexander. So far, the best lecture on the subject, which I found on the web - very approachable and with many examples. Just watch out, it sucks, zaczytałam for a few hours. Ms. Lora, not only will guide you step by step through the various ins and outs of color analysis, but also betray the secrets of breaking the rules :) Theory of four seasons, has always struck me as too simplistic. 12 seasons - this makes sense!
Well, and what lessons for me? Child being found somewhere in an article about the color seasons, and diagnosed as a Summer (popular in our type). And what of it. As a decoy colors, rebel, and the experimenter had since been in his dressing room and it's every color in different shades. Orange, yellow, olive green, brick red, and even (!) Mustard. Brrr. No wonder that some things are more stuffed in the back row, instead wdziewać the ridge. Colors
my intuition favorite clothes, which confirm the wise table are: gray, graphite, black, gorzkoczekoladowy, blue, raspberry, colors, gray and a few broken żarówiastych like fuchsia and turquoise.
Does this analysis mean that we blindly apply all that we foretell the table? Not necessarily. I'm not fond for example, dark blue, dark jeans off. Navy seems to me to be too polite. I really like to turn orange, not suitable for Years. A compromise was to leave three pairs of orange trousers - so clothes worn away from face. It was a very good quality olive down jacket - it would be crazy to buy another just because of color. I use it a few times a year. I can also opt out of pure red, which I love, on a par with gray.
It is impossible to ignore the occasion of the psychological impact of color. Red, know - life, energy, danger, excitement, love, etc. A gray? the gray will be a separate entry, because it's very interesting (one might say, color) color.
At the end of one more reflection - the cost of a professional color analysis begins with a 150-200 zł. I think that this is not much, if summed up spending on the wrong clothes. If any of you have succumbed to such an analysis, be sure to write about it in the comments! Happy to learn your opinion.

second Pattern - like a simple thing

patterns is a matter of personal taste. I like stripes of any width, heather, flowers, something like the Indian and the usual plain clothes. Grills and dots are not in my field. And this could end, if not for the fact that widgets are also dedicated to good seasons. Not forms, but contrast is crucial. As far as the type of contrast (eg Winter) can afford the sharp, black and white pattern, the more a person with a soft type should be put on softer, subdued, diffuse patterns. This new rule for me, although intuitively felt. I could never convince the melange of white with black. My favorite statement is gray-black stripes. Blowing boredom? Well, not opinion, that I'm looking for something supermodnego, only a second skin. And that's it!

third Cut - the fruit i. .. vegetable, bulb or

Popular women's division of apples and pears are not exhaustive. Of course, style is important (and Here again, you can seek advice stylist - I am not a stylist, so I will not be wymądrzać). Fashion clothing is something more than just an approach "architectural." The shape created by the silhouette is of course very important, it can visually add or include 10 kg. But that's not all. Though
around a hundred people have told me they look great in golfach, I just do not golf bet. Yes, yes, the trauma of childhood, when my head sometimes got stuck somewhere in the middle of the damn thing. No way! So, bowing to an additional convenience . Golf can be, but ... zip. If you think ultraniewygodne hipsters, pantyhose, clothes waving, kimono sleeves (because, as upchnąć sweater-bat in a simple jacket?). Though they looked and the most beautiful, the store I get around a wide berth. So what do you like? I like tailored clothing, a large round or sharp cut neckline, fitted sleeves, hoods, comfortable pants - tube or a straight leg, clothes cut in the deck. I like it when a garment easily fits into the second. I love onions, so I choose rather things without ruffles, frills, etc. I really like bufek tube and fitting tunics and short jackets. The home did not go out without buff. Earned my entire collection of buffs, and because several applications I find it a brilliant invention.
often envy men, which no one tempt every season a new cut of trousers, shirts and jackets. Buy a jacket once in 10 years and are shopping with a head, and the company of her jeans consistently produce the same models for ages, not straining on any fireworks. Meanwhile, when the cry of women's fashion designers 'balls', then the whole season is hard to find a normal skirt for a woman who is not like a stick:)

4th Size
I'm in a good position for 15 years because I wear the same size. Two too big blouse I gave my mother, the allegro sell a new, but still too small pants. Now, hand up, who has never bought clothes for big or too small, "because it was so pretty, at a good price." In the high-clothes man at the moment must be something better. Tuck sleeves that cover the neck, pull his pants. Waste of time. Too little ham in turn linked to a string:) Although some people like it. In particular, viewers of the opposite sex.
rule rule and exceptions - Of course they are! Sahib recently bought a beautiful cashmere sweater. And you know what you say? Tried on, has a knee-length sleeves, but it's nothing, because he used to borrow it yourself - it is soft like a little lamb and has a pretty color - my color:)

5th Material
has grown this entry to me exorbitantly, so here shortly. I love knitting for being a beautifully arranged, it is convenient and requires no ironing. Do not take iron hand. I do not buy clothes that need to be ironed, cleaned, and those that are unpleasant to the touch, bite, electrifies Fortunately, etc. Now fabrics are really fantastic, you can buy the wool to be worn on the naked body is a completely different quality than the horrible material that I remember from my childhood:)

6th Quality, finish, details
price does not always go hand in hand with quality, which is understandable, because the price tag and it's still advertising. I prefer to buy something niemarkowego, if I see that the material is good quality and decent clothes sewn and finished. The ergonomic details like pockets and zippers are on my priority over the buttons (again, convenient!). Annoying little thing - Cutting a slider, too heavy buttons, protruding pockets, weeping with tassels - they can successfully disgust every article of clothing.

Whew ... Who has read to the end, this should be a medal for persistence:) Is this entry about minimalism - in a sense yes, because I'm going to buy enough clothes, but hit. Did I succeed, only time will tell. Feel free to discuss - what do you like to wear, so you agree or not, then be directed to buying clothes. I wish you all a beautiful spring in comfortable clothes and such a dose of fashion, we like to admit to his world.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Burning In Ear From Acid Reflux

777 favorite things ...

few days ago I received the first ever blog award. She admitted to me Ajka-Minimalistka , author of the excellent and deservedly popular blog about minimalism.

the one hand, this kind of award mile tickles the ego. Someone is being my entries "about everything," someone says, and therefore worth writing, sharing his discoveries and reflections. On the other hand, motivates us to develop a blog, which is sometimes different. Once I have ideas for entries, but I have no time, other times vice versa. On the third hand (I hope as a brand that is not angry!) I decided to stop the booming machine, chain letters, without providing further distinctions. With a clear conscience, because most distinguished sent them out into the world;)

Already explain their motives. I do not like chains. E-mail, etc. fejsbukowe cuts right away, I feel sorry for no time. Here the situation is different - I should stand next 7 blogs. I'm in a fix because I am a regular basis for more blogs and various topics. Therefore, I refer you, dear readers, to czytywanych my blogs, which you can find on the right, at the bottom. There are Blogs about minimalism, with personal development, sports and adventure, and even needlework. Maybe you find something you interested. I would like to draw your attention to an extraordinary blog "live in interesting times." remarkable because its author, Mrs. Eve, began blogging with 80 years. Look out!

At the end of last point of blogging fun. What do I like? Such things are a lot more than 7 Some 777 head swap, but whether it would be a minimalist? :) Will remain so at a given siódemce. (By the way - as a villain, I think that a lot better man is characterized by what you do not like, but it's going a little note for the creators of such games).

first People who do not take offense at the slightest provocation.
second Laugh, preferably jointly with the Sahib to fall into the hilarity:)
third The bike, from the sports and expedition.
4th Chicory, spinach, and the like weeds.
5th Snow and winter.
6th Big spaces, mountains, tundra and northern climate.
7th Burn the fire.
7th Watch the stars through binoculars (if you never did you do, it is necessary to try!).

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

An Adorable Couple, But It Would Never Work

Muffins with pudding and chocolate chunks

guest in the house, muffins in the house. Simple rules. To fend off the monotony-two types. And actually 4!

Chocolate arose under a provision of Vegan Cupcakes Take Over.

I feel the call to my marvelous friends of friends aka, also known as husbands and wives (yes, I know that sometimes I read the local culinary ascent), moves closer to your birthday karmicielki a toss you a gift idea for
promise to pretend surprise!

chocolate muffins (from this Vegan Cupcakes Take Over)
original recipe here

The five pieces:
• ½ cupa
plant milk • ½ teaspoon rice vinegar
• 1 / 3 sugar cane
cupa • ¼ cupa oil
• A few drops vanilla extract • ½

cupa flour • ¼ cupa kakałka
• 1 / 3 teaspoon baking soda ¼ teaspoon
• baking powder • Pinch of salt

first Combine milk and vinegar. Leave for a few minutes.
second Add sugar, oil and aroma. Beat the egg whisk.
third Add dry ingredients to the wet pre-mixed.
4th Sru to molds. Bake about 18 minutes at 180 ˚.

Chocolate chip muffins I Puddings


5-6 pieces • ½ cup flour (wheat flour, and 1:1)
• ¼ teaspoon
baking powder • 1 / 8 teaspoon baking soda Pinch of salt

• • 1 / 8 cup oil
• ¼ cup sugar ¼ cup

plant milk • 5 bars of chocolate finely chopped
• Cooked vanilla pudding (must be thick)

first Combine all ingredients, except offkorza pudding.
second Put the mixture into molds, about halfway up. Spoon pudding. I pour on top of muffins weight.
third Bake about 15 - 20 minutes.

been using it as a filling, "Nutella with chick peas."

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Leather Repair Tape For Rips

History with wardrobe in the background

I wanted to write about how the reorganized his cabinet. Meanwhile, I gathered up the memories that have lead me to draw some conclusions. First of all - why I was ubraniowym hamster? As is known, knowledge of the causes is necessary to change anything for the better. This story takes readers to some mythical land of childhood. The second half of the readers probably even going to believe me.

was born in an age where children's clothes were common as today. And when it occurred, usually experienced navy blue, red or brown color in the practical. Hot model strips were - technically easy to perform at the factory. Rigid materials biting and scratched, acting weird conglomerations of wool, flax and synthetic something, what happens to the factory dowieźli. Despised today mięciutka Chinese cotton was the absolute peak of your dreams! "I no longer want to take it off!"

had to cope somehow. Cigarette was the addition of fancy are not to be sneezed at for special occasions.

mother and grandmothers are not idle. Once coupon hunted a beautiful floral fabric, sewed the dress, cutting the order to the occasion and the dress cut out for us. The summer was the coolest. Biting tights, pants and nasty ortalionowe landed sweaters in the closet and you could run almost naked. Nobody had allergies, and the sun, mosquitoes and ants, grass and thistles should do a special impression on us. It was a happy time.

To sweeten a bit harsh winter clothes, Mom and Granny dziergały hats and gloves, among which there were even things colorful! No one reversing the head of snow pavements. This tradition has survived in many places today.

designer and I wanted to quickly tailor independence. It began with experiments on dolls. Cuttings of different materials in the closet when he was nearly everyone. In the end, having some 12 years I made a skirt for ZPT-s in school and wydziergałam first cap with a horrible, yellow yarn. Early primary school it was at all times strange clothes. In the younger classes dominated by dark, practical dresiki. Nobody would come to head to go to school every day in a different outfit.

later took over the green shirt after my grandmother, some weird sweaters and somehow it went. I can not omit the first jeans that Dad brought back from the States. These were the bells and had embroidered on the pocket, roller-skate. This roller-skate was the subject of ridicule by certain persons who are unfamiliar with global trends:) My mother bought me a cool cotton shirts and a "minimalist" set enough. At the disco wydziergałam blue knit mini skirt (also in the spirit of minimalism). This Those were the days! Przerobiło Something, something happened and the man walked wydziergało dressed. In the picture I'm sitting next to my great-grandmother and complacent face I present band of wool.

High School occurred at a time political transformations. The real hit of the bazaar has become the Palace of Culture. There, in the "jaws" bought their costumes mandatory in those days: black, pulled out a sweater, bandanas, glany, T-shirts, hooded flannel shirts and corduroys checkered and jeans for today's legendary durability. At the same time I must point out that these expeditions were not something so common, as the current going to the malls. From time to time, a good mother gave 50 zł and said "buy a baby sweater, because the old is already looking like a sack of potatoes", and no one went with a friend to choose and pick, to buy the best najpodobniejszy to that favorite sweater. And the old was getting something new.

fashionable flannel even reached the Chomiczowka. Evidence of this photo Sahiba, which even then I did not know. Pay attention to the uncompromising color shorts and socks matched to them. If anyone thinks that fashion is a girl ' case, moving out from the error:)

clothes at the time quickly became the favorite . It was the one thing until it literally fell apart! Naszywało a fancy patches that prolong life pants for another year. Dyeing, applications, and simply cut to appoint a new incarnation of the life of sweaters and T-shirts. Upcycle or old clothes, mom, dad (też!), and even grandmothers. I regret that I have a few pictures from that time featuring the products of home design. But I remember some of her hits: blue crochet bag, pants with patches, a hundred times converted green sweater, wooden beads, shoes from skórkowe We called. "Donkeys" and Indian maxi dresses. All these things were so long and often worn that became like a second skin, to dance, the rosary or walking on trees.

In early studies took place in lumpeksach buszowanie, which began to appear like mushrooms after rain. I started to climb, I met Sahib. This has caused revulsion towards sportswear and leisure. Since it was not we can afford for branded fleece, szyliśmy them ourselves - that I sewed, Sahib designer to provide support and entertainment. Was going to hitchhike to the U.S. wholesale fleece "scrap" (in fact they were coupons for several meters of it) and it zips, velcro, rubber bands and a great szyło jackets. Once I drove with friends toddler and bought fleece together so that we could not fit into the car. Finally, it laid out on the seat back as blankets. To this day, few of these home-made polarków serves us on the plot. In those days we had everything from fleece, from hats to socks!

When I went to work, suddenly found that I can afford to buy clothes in normal shops. I can buy even more clothes per month. Zachłysnęłam the possibility of a reflection of all the shortcomings of youth clothing. Notice, I used the word "shortage" that does not mean "poverty" - we were a poor family, just everyone in the circle faced with similar problems. Shortages are not concerned that there is nothing to put on the back, only that clothes are unsightly, uncomfortable, and there are few.

And it was probably the moment when, in my closet started doing more and more crowded, but I did not I was more satisfied with their costumes ... Too much shopping did missed a lot of amazing things in the shop, at home, landed at the bottom of the cabinet. I have been a victim of sale when buying something because it was highly overrated, and I liked just a bit. Often, we went to the mall to the decision to buy myself "something", and that objective was not determined in advance.

why this story is so long and what it moral? Well, so that, having for many years a small stock of clothing, sometimes worse, sometimes better (you can say that a big chunk of life I spent ubraniowym minimalism and recycling), when finally I could afford more, I do not know how to use well that potential. As she wrote once Ajka - for that money I could have fewer clothes but good quality and beautiful, while chasing them to shop on impulse.

second, minor conclusion is that the long-standing habit to the processing of clothes (or sewing again), I have unfortunately habit of hoarding things "for processing."

The orders in the closet and concrete proposals, which stretched out for themselves for the future even write a separate entry. As you see, has treated the subject in depth, exposing readers to test your patience. I hope that although the pictures wynagrodziły trouble reading)

And what about you? Remember your clothes from childhood and youth? For you were the subject of the complexes, and perhaps a way to stand out from the crowd? Or maybe for your time in the shops were everything your heart desires?