Sunday, April 17, 2011

Difference Between Inverted Bob And Regular Bob

Hello everyone :-) zaglądaczy and observers gathered recently a lot of cases, many new things come into existence. I recently came back for Christmas and by the way, "przydasiowej" expedition .. Today catching up and show who AND WHAT received in our Candy and exchange:

That was the main prize which should get WERONKA but so far it is silent and I sent a parcel 9.04.
Evening Bag, 2 pairs of earrings, decoupage frame, króliś, pendant + sweets :-)

consolation prize came to OLI: in paczuszce króliś-lining, earrings, pendant, brooch :-) nice and sweet that the gift loved it!

And this is a gift for Dorothy - scatterbrain. The Wymianki chickens in Agnes, received the title frame, decoupage chicks, tag it with a small pisklakiem ;-) królisia, a handful of przydasi and sweets ... And also I am pleased that like it :-))

Details coming soon .. Have a good Sunday!
Thanks for all your nice comments!


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