Friday, April 8, 2011

Diaper Wreath Instructions

Cook! Mini calzone for bad weather

weekend promises to be rainy. Today I share a recipe that needs some work, but it's not difficult. He comes from a book he has ever said before: "Vegetarian cuisine Italian" Paola Gavin.

Calzone is actually folded in half pizza. If you know how to make home pizza dough (and it's really a simple matter), then you are at home. Real calzone is the size of a typical pizza, which takes up an entire large plate. I encourage you to experiment - in my mini version is just as good!

start from the dough. Knead the dough like a pizza:
2 cups flour,
2 / 3 cup water, salt
half a package of yeast powder,
tablespoon olive or
- are the ingredients for a basic pizza, the calzone DOAJ addition: 1 egg yolk
(and possibly half of the protein - protein leave the rest to grease).

wrinkled leave it after the dough for at least half an hour to myself poszalaƂy yeast. Divide into 8 parts, each rool on the cake of about 15 cm in diameter. They need not be perfectly round:) (real Italian pizza, moreover, are not ideal at all wheels.) If the dough is sticky, then sprinkle a little flour. Each disc

smear, leaving free edge: olive oil, tomato concentrate, sprinkle with basil, and then we put some favorite treats. This may be lentils, peppers, olives, capers (ach. ..), mushrooms, corn, and make a piece of mozzarella.

At that time, already warm oven to 200 degrees.

Now the hardest part, at least for me, or glue dumplings. We use pre-ferred to the protein. If you are not superimposed too much filling, you should go. By the way I have a question - does anyone know how to stick together pie that had the shape of the edge such a string-like tail curled? Please info in the comments, because I do not yet have come to this level of initiation:) We put

calzone on a baking tray greased with oil, grease the top of the other proteins - this will be nice shone, and the skin is crispy. Bake about 15-20 minutes or until browning. Enjoy!

trick: if the filling is very wet, it can be easily punctured from the top of calzone before baking, so as not to burst.


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