Tuesday, February 22, 2011

7 Weeks Pain On One Side

Stasiuk of minimalism

"They were dark-skinned, ragged and color. They did not have anything that we believe could be of any value. Blankets, kitchen utensils, archaic dilapidated vehicles and animals as lean as they do. Yes, came a shortcut from the abyss of the past and felt quite well in the present. Negotiated with Peter on the charges for shooting. They did not want money, they wanted cigarettes. I gave all they had in the car. Steel patiently, smiling, flirtatious girl did mine. They came from the last time, when far fewer people enough and tried to live in the present, and in fact allowed to present flowed around them. Likely to treat it as an element that can be used as, say, a fire for cooking or water to wash. "

Bibliographic: Andrzej Stasiuk" Fado "Black Publishing, 2006


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