10 ways to release books
Today will be a looong post. Do not write the guides, so I hope for your understanding:) Some time ago we started to reduce our possessions Sahib, including relatively large, single collection. The starting point was about 1100 volumes. I'm not going to write about the criteria which guided the selection - this is a very individual thing. Will for it on how to get rid of books that - burdened with a big emotional charge - after all, are a different category than clothes or pots.
first Give to the public library Unfortunately, not every library will accept books. Sometimes, just short of shelving to hold all the gifts. In our small local library books brought in by readers and are not included in the collection are exhibited in the boxes, and for a token sum may be something you choose (there are very interesting items!). From time to time librarians make selection and give part of the waste paper.
second Returned to the school library If they already grew up with school uniform, you will surely have a friend who works at the school. Type of popular science books, reading, dictionaries, textbooks, collections of tasks, atlases - can enrich the school's library.
third Returned to the library branch Theme Books, especially those related to the field, we deal with, they can find a good place in the library, or scientific department of the institute, but also the club's mountain Chess, scout troop. A lot of books / papers / magazines Sahib carried them to the library at work - are welcome, and he can still use them.
4th Give your friends It is also quite good method, you can introduce the principle of a book = a symbolic dollar. I did like the clothes - photos on Picasa threw books and sent a link to a friend. It is with this a little more effort than the dedication of the library, sometimes cakes waiting for a while, until I meet up with someone, but it is also a great excuse to renew contacts socialize.
5th Give the free services For example, such as
niepotrzebujący ,
lumber from hut, etc. have not been using, so I'm curious if this idea works.
6th Sell \u200b\u200b- auction site and thematic forums This method quite time-consuming, but pretty good in the case of valuable books. You can earn a few pennies ... Or a little more. You might check the auction site or a book to appear, for how much, if you want to take. If a pair of gold is not worth the bother (there is no guarantee that will sell, and for an auction and so you have to pay). But if we are in possession of a white raven, which does not use, this game is worth the candle. Auction services are not the only place where we can try to sell books. We sold a dozen titles on the forum looking for topics.
7th Circulate - bookcrossing 've heard about this action ? It's a very cool idea. On the part gets a special sticker, and a book bearing her "abandoned" in a prominent location, such as at the bus stop. Books are in constant motion, used, and leave for the next readers, and thanks numerkom can track their history.
8th Commemorative gift - book chain This is a "private" variety bookcrossingu. Lies in the fact that a carefully selected book can be a friend with a dedication and be sure to mention that this is a book like "please continue". He writes, after reading yet another dedication, giving the next person. Can even be quite a few laughs, especially if you pick some really trashy romance, erotic guide, a cheerful book cookbook, a strange album. Copyrights are welcome drawings and the golden mean in the margins. There should be no book rather trivial, and prominent at the time:) I got used to czytadło "thirty of the neck" and the same exchange booklet launched another drawing of two rabbits. I wonder where lost?
9th To export the plot if any have. They fit a different experience classic holiday reading. Mr. Santana, Mark Piegus, Anne of Green Gables, Tom in the Land of kangaroos, the Count of Monte Cristo, Miss Marple and the Golden Boy Pants - they are just in time to pobujania in a hammock or sitting by the stove. We are always amateurs! :)
10th Paper drastic, but sometimes you just do not go otherwise ...
know there other ways?