kind of threw sweets, but from time to time I have the same thing as a colleague Zenek of Butterflies legs. I just need to sztachnąć sugar. I walk around the house and think 'zjadłabym something sweet, something sweet, something sweet, yeah, yeah, yeah. " And at home there is nothing in principle that if you do not buy, it is do not eat. Today, however, broke up, but did not flew to shop for chocolate. From what was at hand did sweet balls - came out quite interesting, so I share my recipe. We make it literally 5 minutes!

about 3 tablespoons of cooked rice, which was the dinner:) 3 teaspoons of honey
handful of oatmeal
tbsp ground almonds (ready in bags)
tablespoon ground hazelnuts (ready to bags)
teaspoon corn milk powder (as an additional thickener)
need to mix the ingredients in a bowl and form a ball. Najładniej go when it goes on wet hands. Opinion Sahib: "They are sweet, a little strange texture. Flakes Needless to soak before?" In my opinion, not necessarily because an element of crunchy surprise. It's a great addition to a strong sour or bitter tea of \u200b\u200bcoffee.
PS sponsor of ground nuts and almonds is a reliable means Mama Sahib Ela.
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