miso soup
Having at hand miso and seaweed for sushi, I began to search the web for a simple recipe for miso soup. Provision in its simplest form, turned out to be trivial and quite fast. Miso and seaweed contain lots of micronutrients, so you might want from time to time take advantage of Japanese culinary tradition. Miso is a biologically active fermented soya bean paste with. Contrary to appearances, this is not expensive dish, despite the original accessories. One piece of algae (cost about 1.5 zł in the supermarket) is enough to dish for 2-3 people. Similarly, meat - 2 teaspoons will cost about 2 zł. Pack a bag of algae and enough meat for a couple of times.

2 carrots, 1 / 4 celery, 1 small parsley, 1 small onion, a piece of red pepper, a handful of mushrooms (dried boletus or other), a patch of algae to sushi, 2 teaspoons miso, spring onions, a pinch nutmeg
Preparation: Soak the mushrooms
some time previously, lightly salt. Fry onions in olive oil and pepper, add the finely chopped vegetables and drained mushrooms. Simmer a minute, pour over boiling water. Do not add salt! This is important because it is added later miso salty. Remove from oven, cool briefly, add crumbled seaweed and miso, stir. The bowls sprinkled with chopped spring onion.
Opinion Sahib: "How to fish soup, only without the fish") which is a complete success.
second provision is a One Minute Soup. Once I was looking for the one-minute meals - this soup is a perfect fit in this trend. The idea borrowed from Monica, who is the mistress of a simple and very tasty dishes.

ready red soup made of cardboard (or beet-apple juice), cream cheese, onions
Beetroot pour into a saucepan, heat (induction cooker users do it in 30 seconds.) At this time, put the cups diced in big cube white cheese (about 2x2x1 cm). It is rather hard to choose cheese, not decayed, but all in all everyone will be good. Chop the spring onions. Pour over hot barszczykiem cheese, sprinkle with spring onion and enjoy!
Opinion Sahib: "Excellent! You must necessarily be described, this is going to be one of my favorite dishes!" Interjections reflect the enthusiasm of the tester.
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