Saturday, August 28, 2010

How To Clean Stains Vintage Formica

To se ne wrati and eggplant with apples and sandwiches

Throughout the holiday was rarely at home, but as soon as I had the opportunity poprzebywać longer on my estates at once I began baking, cooking, DIY'owania!

Most dinners look like this:

Using the benefits of the summer on the tables dominated rawness, fresh vegetables and fruits.

Sometimes thoughts came, reflecting on life, returning to the past, reminiscent of teenage days, photo album titled "20 lines and a few pounds ago." I took a picture of me before my eyes-from what began my story kitchen. Wczesnolicealne were times, times fledgling vegetarianism. A. made an appointment with me to cook, I'm a total sucker cooking. We made baked apples nadzienego eggplant, mushrooms and rice.

Since everyone and everything evolves, including the kitchen, which tastes like, sometimes weganizujemy is why the modern version has little in common with the original.

Eggplant with apples

Ingredients: (for one persona):
• ½ • ½ aubergine
apple handful of raisins
• • Cinnamon

• Granulated Garlic • Ginger ground

• Kumin
• Black pepper
• Oil
• Wild Rice

first Cut eggplant into thick slices. Season with salt and pocytrynić. Let stand for about 30 minutes. Drain.
second Put it in hot oil, diced eggplant, then the apples and then the rest of the ingredients.

I remember tomorrow cake in town! Meet! I was able to enlist Q to demonstrate his culinary skills as well as a few people in the role of observers and consumers


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