Saturday, May 8, 2010

Warts In Urethral Opening

cake batter! Lalalala!

My first cake! Enormous satisfaction! Waiting until the opportunity arises to bake next! And this happens only in July!

terrified me the vision of the practice of pastry! Now, from the perspective of the week I can say that this is probably one of the easiest dessert pastries. More problems spillover my apple pie!

proved to be helpful Vegetarian glutton
reliable I Love Tofu
and Wegedzieciak

baked sponge cake in the evening to cool down sufficiently.

The sponge need:
• 2 cups flour
• 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon

soda • 1 cup milk (rice worked well)
• 1 / 2 cup oil
• Vanilla flavoring
• Alternatively, sugar (I did not add it, enough rice milk osłodziło)

first We combine all ingredients.
second Pour into springform pan (previously greased with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs)
third Bake about 30 minutes at 190 degrees.

next stage, making
cream • 1 package vanilla pudding
• Approximately 100 g baking margarine vegańskiej
• 1 cup rice milk
• Vanilla flavoring
• A little home made vanilla sugar

first To cook the pudding using 1 cup milk (mass must be compact.) Studzimy.
second Then we combine pudding with margarine and the rest of the ingredients. Mix until the perfect combination. The mass is so delicious that it disappears when shooting.

We must also prepare a potion that nasączymy biscuit.
• ¼ cup water
• Łążka lemon juice
• bucket of vodka or other alcohol

first Cut the sponge cake into 3 parts. Layer smear the bottom of our "nasączaczem. Then we put a thin layer of strawberry jam. On the first layer of cream.
second From the middle layer proceed in the same way. And so on and so forth.
third Once we have made the whole cake in one section and start doing our "cream " Grease which the outer walls and the top of the cake.

For this we use

• coconut milk (previously must form at least 2 hours in refrigerator) • pinch of salt

• Mixer

We only use the top, the most continuous part of milk. Add a pinch of salt and Whip to stiff. If we fail, then insert the milk back into the refrigerator until it solidified.

At the very top of the loss of dark chocolate is poured.

Put in the refrigerator for several hours and then we eat now!


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