the one hand, this kind of award mile tickles the ego. Someone is being my entries "about everything," someone says, and therefore worth writing, sharing his discoveries and reflections. On the other hand, motivates us to develop a blog, which is sometimes different. Once I have ideas for entries, but I have no time, other times vice versa. On the third hand (I hope as a brand that is not angry!) I decided to stop the booming machine, chain letters, without providing further distinctions. With a clear conscience, because most distinguished sent them out into the world;)
Already explain their motives. I do not like chains. E-mail, etc. fejsbukowe cuts right away, I feel sorry for no time. Here the situation is different - I should stand next 7 blogs. I'm in a fix because I am a regular basis for more blogs and various topics. Therefore, I refer you, dear readers, to czytywanych my blogs, which you can find on the right, at the bottom. There are Blogs about minimalism, with personal development, sports and adventure, and even needlework. Maybe you find something you interested. I would like to draw your attention to an extraordinary blog "live in interesting times." remarkable because its author, Mrs. Eve, began blogging with 80 years. Look out!
At the end of last point of blogging fun. What do I like? Such things are a lot more than 7 Some 777 head swap, but whether it would be a minimalist? :) Will remain so at a given siódemce. (By the way - as a villain, I think that a lot better man is characterized by what you do not like, but it's going a little note for the creators of such games).
first People who do not take offense at the slightest provocation.
second Laugh, preferably jointly with the Sahib to fall into the hilarity:)
third The bike, from the sports and expedition.
4th Chicory, spinach, and the like weeds.
5th Snow and winter.
6th Big spaces, mountains, tundra and northern climate.
7th Burn the fire.
7th Watch the stars through binoculars (if you never did you do, it is necessary to try!).
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