wegusy way, or how to deal nutritionally on vacation Last week I was completely excluded from the blogosphere, and now I'll catch up, reading, writing, watching, commenting. The session, field trip, a lot of other things to grasp, much thought, analysis, enjoying the status of what I achieved, a total break from the mundane, flutter above the sidewalks. But coming back from
permanently attached to the nose with pink glasses!
began to vacation (jejejeje!), and actually going at best. It is a time travel,, travel, travel in distant lands and those closer. Overall, a wonderful time. Doobrze Well, do not kid yourself najemy not be salty sea water, screeching with sand underfoot, and the more the evening breeze. Canteens offering vegetarian meals have mostly taken the form of fish or dumplings with bacon. Therefore, it is better not rely on the consciousness of women cooks.
will now be some advice for wegów.Mając behind a few days in the extreme is not a civilized place, hired a little experience, which they share.
After primo, we discern whether a group with which they are leaving people do not choose to institutional catering (not necessarily weg, but for some reason jadłową contesting these demonstrations.) Collective cooking is not only a nice and pleasant, but also introduces a division entitled "who takes what and facilitate the preparation of meals.
Secundo, zaopatrzmy up with its own burner, it does not occupy much space in your backpack and saves the ass when we do not have the benefit of the oven. In addition you should have your burner: pot, cutlery, bowl or plate, chopping board, mug.
Let us create the outline of the planned menu. This helps to reduce excess baggage in the form ingredients that are good for nothing we will not be useful.
Consider what products we can get in a place where we go and what should be packed in your backpack. Let's not be naive, in the village numbering 200 people living on the shelf not spożywczaku uświadczymy milk plant (the experience of a few years has taught me that even getting lentils in Kolobrzeg bordered on the miraculous). The selection of products
dokonujmy wisely, let us look into the suitability of use, versatility in application, and above all resistance to remain outside the refrigerator for longer time.
Prepare yourself for a day before a layette. It can have a form paprykarzu (works great), paste for sandwiches, fruit, cookies.
We brought with us m.in: a big jar paprykarzu, millet porridge, avocado, rice milk, oatmeal, sunflower seeds, 3 kinds of cakes (including a "power bead"), homemade strawberry jam, pumpernickel, bread WASA, gomasio tea, red lentils, coconut milk, spices, plus vegetables and fruits need to survive the first day.
last day we spent under the sign of curry with green beans. Karolusowe swierdzenie "I, even in the house so well I do not eat" perfectly captures the state of our stomachs.
strong group of dedicated Oi Oi Oi!
In addition, two natural wonders