Monday, February 7, 2011

How Many Calories In Sugar Biscuits

Barefoot in the snow - Grandma's advice

recently fell into my hands quite a funny book Fri "Encyclopedia of advice Grandma" (only by whom?). I thought it was funny even the title and the content turned out to be even more promising. What if a flower has a stain, how to hammer nails into the plaster, which helps to brew nightmares, etc. However, I found

one advice for you and I hasten to share with our readers. Or maybe you heard about this? It was posted in the chapter Health / Immunity.

"Barefoot in the snow

This is best done in his backyard, but also goes after obfitszych snowfall on the balcony in the heart of the city. Before leaving the snow barefoot feet should be warm. We start from a few seconds, then we extend Walk up to a minute or two. Then, after washing the feet must be thoroughly dried and put warm socks. This method, although at first it seems drastic, really helps to survive the fall and winter without the slightest infection. "

Ha! tried once, the snow on the balcony just been freshly prepared, the temperature around -7 degrees C. And you know what? complete surprise! A great burst of energy, stimulating blood circulation, in one word fantastic. After five days without a problem crossed the recommended two minutes. PoguglaƂam a bit and found out that there are people who agree to bare, even 20-minute and long walks in remote corners! I like it, just as Ruthenian bomb, except that the bare foot is much less west, just a little light snow and frost, they can be grown virtually anywhere, for free.

found a new hobby, just a pity that the rain was shrift to all the snow on our balcony. Winter, come back!

Bibliographic: "Encyclopedia of grandma's advice, Axel Springer, Warsaw 2007


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