from third to sixth and weather days were marked by illnesses wytępiania lousy! Strongly believing that microbes are the most scared smrodliwych products such as onions and garlic, add it above everything!
Fortunately, fought off a cold using natural antibiotics, vitamins in pure form and large doses of sunshine!
breakfast was a hit
crispy buckwheat and almonds with
cherries drenched in icing drink SOJ-wan.
Besides there are also breads and buns with
pepper with avocado paste
and tofucznica with mushrooms and tomatoes every time improved
In cases of lunch, and finally stepped to the plate the asparagus! Fried in olive oil. Nothing more need not be!
And also
tomato soup with ginger wykurzająca all germs! Yesterday
cauliflower on the table shone with the "butter" with linseed.
"Flaxseed Oil"
• Flaxseed • Flaxseed Oil •
pepper, salt, soy sauce
first Grind flaxseed. Add the oil and spices. Thoroughly combine ingredients.
come to the picnic theme!
basket full all sorts of good!
Muffins rabarbarowe stem • 1.5 Rhubarb
• a few tablespoons of brown sugar • spoon
potato flour • 1 cup flour (whole wheat flour cake with half and half)
• Spoon •
soy flour ¼ teaspoon baking powder ¼ teaspoon
• soda • pinch of salt
• Fuel
cinnamon • ¼ cup cane sugar, vanilla essence
• ¼ cup oil
• 1 cup milk plant
+ components to crumble
first Diced rhubarb You flood a few spoonfuls of sugar and flour potato.
second We combine the dry ingredients.
third We combine the wet ingredients.
4th Wet with dry,
5th Pour into molds, we crumble and bake 15-20 minutes at 180 degrees.
second specimen is
mushroom muffin with chocolate, raisins and walnuts . Generally, according
this provision + add raisins and nuts. I used oat flour.
And since the picnic was a post-birthday party favor, it must have been a gift
last jar of jam pumpkin made in that year. decided